Our current membership stands at 16 full members and 1 country members.
Membership fees currently stand at £120 pounds per year this can be paid in one go either by cash cheque, bacs or online bank transfer. to make it more affordable for new members we allow payment in 3 instalments of 40 pounds.
Country membership as available for those who wish.
What you get for your membership
Access to the Society’s facilities and tools (subject to availability).
Access to “workshop” space.
Opportunity to help operate Society’s Layouts at visiting exhibitions.
You will get a quarterly news letter (Wagon Wheels). Members are invited to write articles for the newsletter.
You will get an invite to the annual Society Christmas dinner and the summer social.
All of our members have expertise and lots of useful tips and tricks up their sleeves, so there will always be someone who can help with any aspect of modeling or locomotive/ rolling stock advice so don’t hesitate to ask.
We have in our main club room a very large test track which contains 2x N gauge running lines 2x 00 guage running lines and an 0 gauge test track as well. This is designed to allow members to test their locomotives and rolling stock.
We also are now accepting the publics model railway donations if you have and model railway items you wish to donate please bring them to any club night. Oher items which have been donated so far range from 1920s live steam railway items to railway magazines ect.